Edenthorpe Arena Eventing
Saturday 04 January 2025
Entries close TODAY!
8 upcoming events
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18/01/2025 Showjumping clinic at Cricket Hill Equestrian
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Private Event - NOT listed in the Public Diary
Area Intermediate Dressage Qualifier at Northallerton EC
• Senior Intermediate Winter Dressage, for teams of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count, and for individuals (all team members are automatically in the individual competition). One rider will ride a Prelim test, two riders will ride a Novice and one rider will ride an Elementary test.
Junior Intermediate Winter Dressage, for teams of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count, and for individuals (all team members are automatically in the individual competition). Two team riders will ride different Prelim tests and two team riders will ride different Novice tests. One Novice test will have Elementary eligibility criteria.
Junior Elementary Winter Dressage, for junior individuals only.
Pick a Test Dressage, for individuals, open to seniors and juniors competing at either Medium or Advanced Medium. Competitors may compete in both Medium and Advanced Medium sections. This class will be judged as one at the qualifier but may be split at the Championships if entries are sufficient.
Prelim Unlimited Prelim Points Up to 35 Novice points 0 points at Elementary or above . Horses cannot have competed in elementary or above in the same competition year BD or BRC
Novice -Unlimited Novice Points,Up to 35 Elementary Points, 0 points at Medium or above
Juniors Only Novie 30 -Unlimited Elementary Points,Up to 35 Medium Points, 0 points at Adv. Medium or above
Elementary -Unlimited Elementary Points,Up to 35 Medium Points, 0 points at Adv. Medium or above
Medium -Unlimited Medium Points,Up to 35 total points at Adv. Medium or above
Advanced Medium - Unlimited Adv. Medium Points,Up to 50 total points at Advanced
or above
Have you already entered this event? Check online now.
Brimham Riding Club
Contact: Adele Baul
E: brimhamridingclub@gmail.com
W: www.brimhamridingclub.co.uk
Northallerton Equestrian Centre
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