⭐️⭐️Stars Clinics ⭐️⭐️ With Helen Taylor BSPS ⭐️Judge WHP/SHP/SP/M&M. BHS Accredited Coach
Saturday 12 October 2024
Entries close in 1 day
Dressage Drill Riding to Music with Cathy Burrell!
Askham Bryan College
10am-1pm (Ride times will be confirmed)
N.B Children do not need any previous experiance of drill riding however they must be off the lead rein to take part.
Have you already entered this event? Check online now.
Bramham Moor Pony Club
Contact: Elizabeth Hughes
T: 07809 659521
M: 07809 659521
E: bramhammoor@pcuk.org
W: branches.pcuk.org/bramham
Askham Bryan College
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