⭐️⭐️Stars Clinics ⭐️⭐️ With Helen Taylor BSPS ⭐️Judge WHP/SHP/SP/M&M. BHS Accredited Coach
Saturday 12 October 2024
Entries close in 1 day
7 upcoming events
Next event:
16/10/2024 Polework Lesson with Tracey Fox at Northallerton Equestrian Centre
Find out more ..
Unaffiliated dressage without the stress Choose to dress up in competition gear or ride in your every day clothes Take the stress out of competition You can have a caller/ reader so you don’t have to memorise your tests
Reader is £2 per test - Please enter class 00 so we know you need one.
Useful for Twitter, texting, printed materials or anywhere characters or space is limited.
Horsevents cannot be held responsible for any dates or schedules held on our site. We always recommend checking with a venue that an event is running before setting out.