⭐️⭐️Stars Clinics ⭐️⭐️ With Helen Taylor BSPS ⭐️Judge WHP/SHP/SP/M&M. BHS Accredited Coach
Saturday 12 October 2024
Entries close in 1 day
11 upcoming events
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10/10/2024 Cross Country Hire at Thornton Lodge Farm
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An opportunity to work on suppleness, flexibility and SJ technique with Sue Chadwick and Will Murray using the fabulous facilities at Broadstone Equestrian.
For riders training at 60cm up to Nov/2* (1m10). One hour pole and grid session indoors, one hour SJ outdoors, plus a lunchtime talk (subject TBC!). Groups of up to four, times between 10 am and 5 pm depending on numbers.
Please put the height you compete at in special requests.
Stables are available at £15 for the day.
Have you already entered this event? Check online now.
Heidi Stewart E-venting
T: 07855551853
M: 07855551853
E: heidistewart70@gmail.com
Broadstone Equestrian
Broadstone Farm
Brown Edge Road
S36 7GR
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