Edenthorpe Arena Eventing
Saturday 04 January 2025
Entries close TODAY!
15 upcoming events
Next event:
05/01/2025 Indoor Jumping Clinic with Julia Nelson @ Appleton Grange
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By kind permission of Tina Walker
Rosettes 1st to 10th . Cash Prizes (by BACS) 1st to 3rd (1 to 5 entries) and 4th to 6th Goody Bags
Please see Eventing Scores when accessing your times for any additional information for this event.
Entries close Monday 25th November or earlier if the event is oversubscribed.
Late entries may be accepted after the closing date if space permits, these will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. A £5 late entry fee per class will apply.
Refunds: 100% refund up to 25th Nov. After this date, you will be refunded only if we can fill your space.
Withdrawals: By 7 pm on 25th Nov
Secretary: northallertonridingclub@gmail.com or Tel: Pauline 07852925114 or Deb 07766 231915
Start Times: Available 48 hours before the event on www.ridingclubsresults.co.uk.
Show Information
Competitors will jump a course of Show Jumps, immediately followed by a course of Cross Country fences (all in the outdoor arena) finishing with a Joker fence which may be set 10cm higher.
The winner will be the competitor with the lowest number of penalties and the closest to the optimum time. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the one closest to the optimum time
Stopwatches are not permitted.
The judges’ decision is final.
Paramedic: Onsite
Vet: Onsite
Cafe Open All Day
Health & Safety: The organisers of the event have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health & safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone present must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents and obey the instructions of the organisers, officials, and stewards. Please see Health and Safety policy on the club’s website.
All riders should have their own third-party insurance.
By entering this competition, you are permitting NRC under GDPR to hold your personal information.
Rules: This competition is run under British Riding Club Rules. It is the competitors’ responsibility to be aware &
abide by these rules.
What to Wear: Hats must be BE/BRC approved specifications. Only Skull caps will be allowed. It is the rider’s responsibility to make sure that they comply with current hat & body protector rules.
Body protectors 2018 & above labels are mandatory. Air jackets can be worn over a body protector.
Flu vaccinations for all horses attending this event are expected to be up to date with annual boosters, passports must be available as spot checks will be carried out. Please be responsible and do not bring horses to the event that have coughs, etc
Have you already entered this event? Check online now.
Northallerton Riding Club
The Barn
Manor House
Contact: Debbie Youmans
M: 07766 231915
E: northallertonridingclub@gmail.com
Northallerton Equestrian Centre
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