Hobby Horse Adventures - Nuneaton & North Warwickshire Equestrian Centre - Leicestershire
Monday 17 February 2025
Entries close in 1 day
4 upcoming events
Next event:
17/02/2025 Half Term Arena Eventing Clinic with Sara Bowe at Richmond Eq Centre
Find out more ..
Judge Mr Paul Hart
Classes start at 9.30am
This Show is Affiliated to Equine Sports UK (ESUK) Grassroots Championship taking place at Arena UK Grantham Lincolnshire on the 31st July - 1st August 2025. The three highest placed exhibitors will qualify in each class.
Held at The Ings Sowerby Thirsk YO7 3AG
The Venue is located next door to Sowerby Caravan Park ( the same side of the road ) The Post code will take you further down the road.
There are Grey electric gates and a white Show Sign
Parking is on grass if firm or hard standing.
If you are coming down the A19 exit at Thirsk keep on the A19 heading towards York until you get to the Dalton/Sowerby junction on your right. Do not turn off the A19 any sooner as you will get to a narrow bridge.
Once the entries close there are Strictly No refunds ( Unless the event is cancelled then entry fees will be returned ) Entry fees are strictly non refundable and not transferable
Competitors enter Edenthorpe Equestrian premises at their own risk. The owner takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to persons, horses, vehicles or property whilst on the property.
No Horse or Pony Under the age of 4 years of ages may be ridden on the show ground. Competitors must be a minimum age of 3 years of age.
Competitors in LR/FR Must use a snaffle Bridle and Lead rein attached to the nose band only
Any Stallions must be ridden/Handled by a competent person minimum age of 14
All Riders to wear Correctly fitted headgear PAS015 or Higher whilst mounted anywhere on the show ground.
Handlers under 16 are required to wear a riding hat with safety harness fastened at all times.
Anyone riding on the premises must wear correct footwear.
Anyone riding on the property do so at their own risk. The owners of the property are not responsible for any accident or injury.
Spurs are permitted for over 16 years Old riders only.
Children under 16 Must be supervised at all times
• Please PICK UP any poo you create There are many skips available to use.
• Please keep dogs on leads at all times
• Strictly no lunging.
Disclaimer of Liability
Save for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the show organiser or anyone they are in law responsible, neither the organiser of any show or proprietor of The Ings accepts liability for any
loss damage injury or illness to horses/ponies owners, riders, handlers, spectators, grooms, producers ,land or any other person or property whatsoever whether caused by negligence breach of contract or in any way whatsoever. It is strongly recommended that all competitors/exhibitors carry Public Liability Insurance for an adequate indemnity to protect against their negligence.
All exhibitors are deemed to have read these rules as a condition of entry.
TGCA TOYS In Hand and Ridden Classes Affiliation Number TGCA/00/00/00 No known breeding
required to enter these classes
TGCA Breed classes are qualifiers for the Best of Breed Finals at the Traditional Gypsy Cob
Association's (TGCA) National Breed Championship Show “TOYS”.
Classes are open to all traditional gypsy cobs. Part Bred classes, are open to all part bred traditional
gypsy cobs and are qualifiers for the part bred finals at “TOYS”.
The exhibit must have one parent that is pure bred traditional gypsy cob.
Stallions – All stallions (pure or part bred, four years and over) in order to enter any TGCA
affiliated class MUST be TGCA registered, have passed TGCA stallion evaluations and their TGCA
stallion disc displayed on their bridle.
Stallions and colts over the age of two, MUST be shown in a stallion bridle with a metal bit and
chain lead as per the current TGCA rulebook.
Current TGCA members must present their Membership card and Qualification card to the judge in
the ring for signature.
Non-members MUST receive a qualification card from the judge and have 21 days to join the
TGCA and register their horse to validate the qualification. Please refer to www.tgca.co.uk for
further details including membership, horse registration and showing rules (contained within the
members handbook).
Championships Quest for a Star Championship - TGC - 1st, 2nd and 3rd from the TGCA classes
above may go forward to the Quest for a Star Championship as per below rule. ONLY current
TGCA members and horse/pony that is already TGCA registered can exhibit in this championship.
Membership card and Members qualification card (specific to that exhibit) must be presented upon
entry into the ring.
The Champion and Reserve qualify for the Ultimate Star Championships at TOYS. Go for Glory
Championship - PB -1st, 2nd and 3rd from the TGCA part bred classes may go forward to the Go
for Glory Championship.
For 2024 TOYS qualifiers, the handler/rider and exhibits (apart from stallions) do not have to be
TGCA members/registered on the date of the show. The Champion and Reserve qualify for the
Crowning Glory Championships at TOYS.
TGCA Championship Show Classes
TGCA Qualifying Class Sections –Traditional Gypsy Cobs – TOYS Best of Breed Finals All classes
are open to traditional gypsy cobs, which are of any colour and meet the TGCA breed standard.
Have you already entered this event? Check online now.
Edenthorpe Equestrian
The Ings
Islebeck Road
W: www.facebook.com/edenthorpeequestrian
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