Flatwork, polework & gymnastics at Askham Bryan College
Friday 14 March 2025
Entries close in 3 days
3 upcoming events
Next event:
10/03/2025 Pole/flatwork training with Adele Mason
Find out more ..
Today is Launch Day for the new site layout and infrastructure. We are hoping that after nine months in the making that you are going to like it. It works faster, is easier to navigate, is mobile friendly and SECURE!
It is difficult to highlight all of the changes that have been added to the new interface but top of the list has to be the new Competitor Zone. We have, unlike some other online entry websites, never forced people to sign up for an account in order to make entries, but we have enabled it. This is still the case. You can visit the site, see something you would like to enter and simply enough enter it. However, we do realise that regular users would like it if they could register to save them filling in the same boxes every time they make an entry. Hence the improvements made to the Competitor Zone where, once you are registered, you can manage your own details, your horses' details, see all the entries you have ever made online and manage your own diary. The only information you cannot store is payment data. This still needs entering for each set of entries (unless you pay by PayPal and they will hold your details for you!).
That is a difficult list to produce after so long in the making of our new site but here is a start list to give you an idea:
We really do hope you like the new layout and features. Please feel free to send any feedback/comments/suggestions to us via Facebook or email: diary@horsevents.co.uk